4 elements that will ensure your pitch gets ignored
According to the Wall Street Journal there are 4 elements that can ensure your pitch goes straight to the delete/ trashcan if you include them. These elements are as follows:
- Introducing your mail with “Dear Morning Ireland” or ”Dear Morning Ireland presenter”- that tells the person receiving the mail that you have not taken time to research their show. This doesn't bode well for the amount of effort put into the rest of the pitch if this basic element is incorrect or sloppy.
- “Greetings!” "Hello All" -Automatic delete. Just a general e-mail.
- “Using the phrase ‘Breaking News’ -According to the Wall Street Journal this is one of the most over used and mis-used statements and is incredibly frustrating as most of what is termed 'breaking news' is anything but.
- Listing the other media that have already expressed an interest in the topic or the guest. Everyone in media wants to feel like we’re getting somebody unique not getting the left overs from the party. They all want to know how your story is relevant to them and their listeners, viewers or readers. You need to do your research in advance and sell the angle most suitable for the person/show you are pitching to.
Poorly crafted pitches or lazy pitches do you no good in the short term and may also do you long term damage. The liklihood of the same reporter opening one of your future e-mails diminishes if they have a bad encounter with you at the start.
If you'd like more tips on how to create a winning pitch read this interview with the Gordon Deal a reporter with the Wall Street Journal.
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