
Showing posts from September, 2011

Poor training!

Has an employee ever come to you with a problem to which you helpfully answer, , “If I were you, I would…” You may feel satisfied that you have helped but you may well be storing up trouble for yourself.  The reality is that when this employee came to you they had a problem. You helpfully took ownership of that problem and relieved your employee of responsibility for solving the problem themselves. As a manager this type of action trains your staff to come to you with their problems instead of trying to resolve the issues themselves. This can lead to you becoming embroiled in office politics taking you away from your role as a leader. Beware! The key is to actively listen and allow staff to think through, analyse and arrive at solutions themselves. 

What motivates employees?

Employee’s emotions and motivation change on a daily basis but according to recent Harvard research there is one tool that motivates employees more than anything else. Can you guess what it is? It’s not clear goals, it’s not incentives, it’s not even recognition for good work. According to lead researcher, Teresa Amible the biggest improvement in motivation will be seen if you focus first on helping your employees make progress. The researchers have named this phenomenon the progress principle and the implications of it for managers are laid out in the book The Progress Principle: Using Small Wins to Ignite Joy, Engagement, and Creativity at Work . The research, which took over ten years to complete, explains that while recognition and providing financial incentives for a job well done are still important, there are two questions above all else that help managers motivate their employees. The questions are: “What can I do to help my team make progress in their work today?” “What is g...

Book recommendations

You can view all my recommendations for communication books on .

Role of CSR in organisations - does it impact on organisational culture?

Discussions about ‘values’ are now jostling with ‘risk’ in board rooms. ‘Authenticity’, ‘engagement’, ‘culture’ and ‘passion’ are starting to define the ‘corporate soul’ and ‘true north’ of organisations. Echo Research and the International Business Leaders Forum (IBLF) have partnered to produce a report that aims to provide a better understanding of the drivers of success in the field of corporate sustainability and responsibility. The report is entitled A World in Trust - International Business Leaders Forum (IBLF)

Euprera 2011

I'm just back from presenting at the Euprera (European Public Relations Education and Research Association) and I heard and had the chance to meet some really interesting speakers. Prof Tom Watson presented on the role of ROI (Return on Investment) in public relations. Interestingly, he argued that the use of the term may actually be damaging the reputation of public relations instead of enhancing it.   He argues that while measurement and evaluation of our work is essential referring to an accountancy term (ROI) may detract from our credibility instead of adding to it! Interesting, food for thought.
Arthur Page was the Head of Communication in AT&T over 70 years ago. The guidelines by which he worked became known as the Page Principles. They are still relevant today. Tell the truth. Let the public know what’s happening and provide an accurate picture of the company’s character, ideals and practices. Prove it with action. Public perception of an organization is determined 90 percent by what it does and 10 percent by what it says. Listen to the customer. To serve the company well, understand what the public wants and needs. Keep top decision makers and other employees informed about public reaction to company products, policies and practices. Manage for tomorrow. Anticipate public reaction and eliminate practices that create difficulties. Generate goodwill. Conduct public relations as if the whole company depends on it. Corporate relations is a management function. No corporate strategy should be implemented without considering its impact on the public. The public relation...

Editing tool now available on YouTube

You can now edit your videos onsite on You Tube with a new editing tool they have introduced. All you have to do is click “Edit Video” on your video’s page or on the My Videos page. While the editing tool won’t replace other advanced editing software packages it will enable users to make simple changes in an easier and less time consuming manner.