2012 Edelman Trust Barometer, what does it mean for internal comms?

It’s that time of year. Edelman have just published their 2012 Trust Barometer. Unsurprisingly, trust in government has massively dropped. But what’s the score for businesses and the implications for internal communication? There are a few significant findings:

1. There has been a dramatic increase in trust in social media – it is now at almost the same level as corporate information sources. This is a important consideration for internal communications as employees now have ready access to information about the company from external social media sources.

2. There has also been a massive drop in trust in CEOs, the most trusted resource within an organization is the average employee (60 percent). This highlights the importance of face-to-face communication as well as employee "communication champions".

3. The average person needs to hear a story three to five times from different sources before they believe it. This reinforces the fact that our internal messages have to be presented through a variety of channels.

If you are interested in learning more, my good friend Steve Seager, has already helpfully posted an analysis of it. Why not check out his post here.

2012 Edelman Trust Barometer: Global Deck

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