Employee newsletter -- print or online?

E.newsletters or e-zines are fast becoming the favoured method of producing newsletters. So is it the solution all newsletter producers have been looking for?

The e-zine certainly has many advantages. It’s easy to create and can be done as the news comes in rather than waiting til the end of the month and gathering all the information together for layout. They can be great for both internal and external audiences and e-zines are sometimes favoured by employees who are desk based and who use computers regularly. The other great advantage is that with most e-zine applications you can track results and see how many people have opened the newsletter and which articles they have read. This can be very useful information in shaping your communication message in the future.

The big drawback however is obvious – your newsletter is no longer printed in hard copy. If staff members are acknowledged they like to take home a hard copy. Printing the online version just isn’t the same. The other disadvantage is that it is less portable. Staff can no longer pick up the newsletter on the way into the canteen and flick through it over coffee, it is no longer left in staff areas where someone with a few spare moments can pick it up and read. Also sometimes staff may share access to a computer and therefore do not have time to sit down and spend 15minutes reading the newsletter.

In the end, it really depends on your audience. If a majority of your audience have access to a computer it can be very beneficial. If this is not the case, there is little point moving online.


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