Employee Focus Groups: Five Tips

No-frills employee focus groups can sometimes be the best way to get employee feedback. Below are five tips to help ensure you get the most out of your focus groups.

1. Keep it intimate. Invite only 10 to 12 participants to the session. The more people you have in a room, the easier it is for some of the more reserved participants to
withdraw and keep quiet. If you have a smaller group, they will feel more a part of the discussion.

2. Mix it up. Work to have as departmentally diverse a representation as possible, depending on the topic. You want to get input from different workgroups in the organisation.

3. Set ground rules. The purpose of the roundtable is to gather input on a chosen topic. At the outset, let participants know that what they say is confidential, that you are there to listen, capture feedback and report on general comments.

4. Stay on track. Try to keep the session to one topic if you can.
5. Keep it short. Keep your focus groups to about 45-minutes. In my experience, this can work to your advantage. When participants know they have a small window of opportunity to provide their opinions on the topic, they're more likely to speak up.


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